- Indie Spring will not be held responsible for any defects or safety of items.
- By purchasing from Indie Spring, it means that you have read and will abide to our terms and conditions.
- Please be patient when waiting for orders to arrive. We will give out notifications. We will not entertain customers who repeatedly pesters us for their items.
- *No refunds.
- Orders will be confirmed once payment is in.
- No swaps or exchanges after purchasing items from us.
- Once orders are in, there is no backing out. Backing out will result in blacklisting.
- Prices of all items are non-negotiable.
- Please don't say that other shops are selling something identical cheaper and our prices are unreasonable. You might as well go buy from them.
- **Items are given out on first come first serve basis.
- Indie Spring reserves the right to amend its terms and conditions without any prior notice.
This also applies to customers who back out of their orders. We will not refund.
**This means if two customers have ordered the same item and we only receive one, we will give it to the customer who has placed their order and has paid us first.